

Smart Answers to Common Interview Questions

An interview is the most important part of the hiring process. 下面是回答一些常见面试问题的一些聪明方法.

An interview is the most important part of the hiring process. 面试可以帮助雇主评估每个求职者,也可以让求职者表达为什么他/她最适合这个职位. Most employers will use a variation of several common 面试问题 that are tailored to the job in question. 虽然无法预测面试官会问哪些问题, it is always best practice for you – the interviewee – to be prepared. 下面是回答一些常见面试问题的一些聪明方法.


这通常是面试的第一个问题,也是你从其他候选人中脱颖而出的机会. 你应该把重点放在你的成就,你以前的经验,你的 goals and how you can bring value to the company.


这可能是一个很难回答的问题,因为确定软件下载自己的优势并不总是那么容易. Consider your previous work experience or your experiences as a student. 你在哪些方面做得好? In which tasks have you been most successful? Develop a list of 3-5 strengths and 支持每一种力量 with examples that are related to your accomplishments. 例如, if you believe one of your strengths is flexibility, 接着举例说明你是如何在工作或学习中表现出灵活性的.


It is important to be aware of one’s 弱点, 但同样重要的是,不要在面试中过多地谈论这些问题. Reflect on one or two areas where you might need improvement, 但也要告诉面试官你正在努力克服这些缺点. 例如, if you lack experience with Excel or Word, 接着解释一下你是如何使用软件来变得更加熟练的.

“Why did you leave your last job?”

总是给一个积极的回应,即使你离开的原因可能不是积极的. 你可能会说, “I felt it was time to take on new challenges,” or “I wanted to pursue new opportunities.一个前瞻性的回答会帮助你避免断后路,给面试官留下好印象.

“Tell me about your ability to work under pressure…”

解释一下你在压力下表现出色并取得更好成绩的例子. 举出一些例子来说明你是如何 沟通技巧 将在压力下工作的压力最小化,从而使幸运28计划成功.

“Where do you see yourself five years from now?”

You should go into the interview with a few short-term career goals. Focus on goals such as growing and developing with the company, 最大限度地发挥你的技能,成为高效团队的一员.


你要向面试官表明,你可以把批评当作一个学习的机会. 你可能会说,你从不把批评放在心上,并提供一两个例子,说明你是如何以成长和发展的眼光来处理批评的.

“What irritates you about co-workers?”

Working with others at work is a valuable quality. 你可以向面试官强调你能与各种同事相处, 强调你的灵活性和适应其他工作方式的意愿. 这表明你是一个愿意为自己的工作关系负责的团队成员.

“What qualities do you look for in a boss?”

避免列出过于具体的品质,因为这可能会限制你的能力. Instead, consider how you work and learn best. 列出a的几个属性 好的领导者, such as competent, fair and encouraging.


Stay focused on what you bring to the table. 把你的优势带回到讨论中,不要忘记重新建立你的经验是如何为你所申请的职位做准备的. 你要向雇主展示你如何能为公司带来价值,以及为什么你是这个职位的最佳人选.

“Do you have any questions for me?”

Always, always have questions for the interviewer to answer. 在面试前做好调查,这样你就可以问一些关于公司的问题. You can also ask questions about the role, such as, “What do you see as the first objective for this position?或者“你对这个职位的头六个月有什么期望??” Steer clear of questions about salary and benefits. There is a time and place for these questions, 通常是在招聘过程的最后阶段,或者在获得工作机会的时候.

这些例题可以作为指导,帮助你准备你的考试 interview. 考虑每个问题, 构思一个深思熟虑的答案并练习你的答案,这样你在面试当天就会感到自信和舒适. While this list is not exhaustive, it will help you establish your strengths, 弱点, accomplishments and goals — key talking points during any interview. By following the tips provided, 这样你就更有可能给招聘经理留下深刻印象,从而获得工作机会.

杰克McCallum 自2011年以来一直在赫兹大学网络业务部工作. 不教学的时候, 她担任HR Balance llc(专门从事人力资源管理的咨询公司)的总裁/首席顾问, 组织发展, 领导力培训, 和培训/发展. 她于2003年创立了HR Balance LLC,此前她曾在多个营利性和非营利性组织担任领导职务. 作为主讲人和主持人,杰克一直担任广播和印刷媒体的行业专家.

* Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), U.S. 劳工部, 职业就业和工资统计2023 /职业展望手册2022. BLS estimates do not represent entry-level wages and/or salaries. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, age, geography market in which you want to work and degree field, will affect career outcomes and earnings. Herzing既不代表它的毕业生将获得劳工统计局计算的特定工作的平均工资,也不保证从它的幸运28计划毕业后就能找到工作, 促销活动, salary increase or other career growth.

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